
October 6, 2011 - A bunch of good news all around

Oct 06, 2011 by Mark Strode, CEO
Thought I'd quickly share a few things on my mind this morning and share some good news tidbits to uplift your day.

First, great job raising money for United Way.  Nearly $20,000 is very impressive and our level of participation either in way of time or money rocks.  We will line up the check presentation next week and hope to land our picture in the paper so we can brag on you guys on how we have no problem giving back!

Have you noticed the Pink Ribbons on the lawn on the big Oaks out on Bedell Ave?  They are being displayed to recognize National Breast Cancer Awareness Month.  A special thanks to Olga Gomes from Case Management for taking time out of her busy day to make the ribbons and to our Plant Ops team for getting out there on display. 

I heard a great story from 2 days ago I thought I'd share.  We were slammed in the ED.  Had a patient that was waiting to be seen, but also happened to have an elective outpatient appointment in PT same afternoon.  They presented to ED well ahead of appointment, but as it played out were still waiting about when they needed to be to PT.  So, Francine intervened and visited with the family.  She went and asked Balde in PT what we could do to accommodate them?  Without hesitation he offered to go see her in the ED and take care of the treatment there.  No problem!  Needless to say, the patient and family were very appreciative and while we started off badly with them, Balde made the save!  Great teamwork and thinking outside the box!  I love it!

Any great patient care stories?  Do share.....

Keep the Spirit,

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